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My city...Pasadena
I am a Pasadena Humane Alumni!A little about me...I was picked up off the mean streets of Glendale and brought to the safety of the Pasadena Humane Society. I languished in a cage for weeks before my Mom walked by and was halted in her steps by my extreme Irish beauty and winning smile. I didn't let on until she had fully adopted me and taken me home that I was completely feral and SO scared of everything. It took many weeks of specialized socialization training before I could even come out from under the couch. But now, I am happily ensconced in my fabulous furrever home and have pledged to guard and protect my furperson, to the -yawn - best of my ability - yawn - from this cat tree perch where I can survey my entire kingdom - yawn - just as soon as I have finished this little nap...