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My city...Pasadena
A little about me...My name is Caddie. One of my puppyraisers is a special education teacher and she loves books. Not a surprise that she chose a literary character for my name. Caddie Woodlawn is a character who was brave, helped others and was smart. My puppyraisers thought Caddie was a fitting name for a future guide dog. I am their 17th guide dog puppy to be raised. They received me in August 2018. Guide Dogs of America intended for me to become a guide dog, but I had "bigger" plans! I was always a nurturer, it seemed natural to me. So, at one year of age after passing GDA's evaluations, I was chosen to become a member of their breeding colony. In my three years of breeding for GDA, I whelped numerous healthy puppies who are currently being raised to become future guide dogs or service dogs. My puppyraisers continued to "foster" me in between my litters. After my final litter, GDA retired me and asked my puppyraisers if they wanted to adopt me. To my delight, they decided to adopt me! I love being the queen of my castle and live quite a spoiled and indulged life.