Sindy & the Aviary Glory Built
Sindy & the Aviary Glory Built
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Entrant's Name
Steven Morgan
City and State
Benicia, California
What's the story?
My ambitious wife, Sindy (Cynthia Harris) wasn't satisfied with building a beautiful aviary for Glory and 25 other rescued pigeons. In the past year, Sindy and I have rescued at least 26 other pigeons and built, or contributed to building, aviaries at One Living Sanctuary in Martinez and a backyard aviary in Oakland. We are building a fourth aviary at our new home in Jacksonville, Oregon. Now, Sindy is opening an online store, selling ethically sourced food, supplies and aviaries to the rescue, rehab and sanctuary communities. Look for a link to "Sindy's Pigeon Service" on the Palomacy website. Anticipated launch date: December 1, 2021.
Tell us about this image
My inspiring wife Sindy with our Benicia aviary
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