Miss Featherington
Miss Featherington
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Sylmar, CA
Bird(s)' Story
Miss Featherington spent a week grounded in our backyard as we provided food and water, and tried to track down her owner. We discovered she was a racing pigeon due to her leg band, and her owner let us know he wasn’t able/willing to come get her. We took responsibility for her then, and booked a vet visit ASAP. The vet revealed she was in great health, but had a busted birdie collar bone. She is now on week 4 of 6 towards healing and recovery. We have set her up with the finest pigeon accommodations we can, and she is enjoying her life now indoors with the family, and her adopted Rottweiler step brother - Rock Steady. She loves afternoon naps, diced grapes, and walking back and forth on the various walkways we created for her in her cage. Follow her Instagram hashtag for more story: #pinkiesoutforfeatherington
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