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Gainesville, FL
Bird(s)' Story
One evening, just before dark, I opened the back door of my work office (located in a Florida state park). Huddled on the steps just a few feet from the door, peering up at me with scared, exhausted eyes, was a beautiful pigeon. Before even seeing his leg bands, I knew this poor bird's story: he was yet another victim of the awful "sport" of pigeon racing. Starving & thirsty in a park full of wild predators, he wisely came to the door....& was lucky that an experienced pigeon rescuer decided to take out the recycling that night. A valiant self-rescuer who is gentle & sweet, Shimmy (named for his beautiful shimmery purple & green feathers) lives happily with fellow rescue pijies, Mr. Bird & Buddy, in the family aviary, He also loves Palomacy & encourages everyone to buy a t-shirt! ☺
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