Voting Ends 2/28/2025 at 8:00:00 PM Central Time




105 votes

Pet's Age
4 months

Pet's Breed
Lab Mix

Pet's Story or Bio
Butters is an energetic bundle of joy. It took him some time to come out of his shell, but his personality has fully shown through now. He adores his new family. He plays with his new brother and sister all day long. He likes to play tug of war, run around in his new yard, and cuddle. When it comes to food time, he breaks the world record of fastest eater. One second the bowl is full, and a second later it has disappeared in thin air! Afterwards, he walks around with his bowl showcasing his fine work. He enjoys car rides, especially when mom takes him for his Saturday pup cups. Butters is a piece of work, but is sure to make your heart warm, which makes it all worth it. And let’s face it, how is it possible say no to those puppy eyes!

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Dogtopia - The Woodlands West
Hounds Town - The Woodlands
Dog Gone Fun Agility
Operation Pets Alive!
P.O. Box 132104
The Woodlands, TX 77393
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