Contest Starts 3/26/2025 at 9:00:00 AM Pacific Time


Who can I contact for help or more information?
Send an e-mail explaining your question to Pauliina at She'll get back to you promptly.

How are the votes counted?
Donations made in support of the cause are valued at 1 vote for every $1.00 donated. The minimum donation is $5, which equals 5 votes. There may also be promotions where donors can get bonus votes. The contest platform will automatically tally votes as they come in. 

How do I win or get a spot in the calendar?
Fundraise to keep your dog in the Top 12 of the leaderboard. Get your family and friends vote for your dog(s) in the contest. You can also vote for your own dog as it all supports the Operation Freedom Paws Service Dog Program. Each week of the contest, there are lots of fantastic prizes for top-voted dogs. At contest end, the first twelve dogs with the most votes win a spot in the calendar. 

How do I change my entry photo?
To change your entry photo, please email the new photo and a link to your contest entry to

My pet has passed away. May I still enter them?
Because each calendar winner will be photographed for the calendar by Pauliina Saarinen Photography, the winners have to be living dogs. You can honour your pet in memoriam by purchasing a date in the calendar grid for his/her photograph HERE

If I win a spot in the calendar, what happens next?
Pauliina will contact you soon after the contest is over to organize a complimentary session to photograph your winning dog for the calendar. If you would like to have more images taken or include more dogs or people, you can upgrade to a full 90-min photography session for $125.00. 

Where and when will the calendars be available for purchase?
The calendars will become available for purchase from Operation Freedom Paws Canada online store later in the year. Pauliina will keep you informed when they are hot off the press and ready to be ordered. 
Can I be disqualified?
Pauliina Saarinen Photography reserves the right to disqualify an entry based on objectionable content or depiction of the animal or persons in a photo.

When and where will winners be announced?
You'll receive the news regarding the contest to the e-mail address you provide with your entry information. Pauliina will keep you posted about prizes, weekly winners and what happens after the contest. Please expect to receive two e-mails per week during the competition. 

Will I get my tax receipt? 
The automatic confirmation after you have made a donation serves as your tax receipt. It includes all the details required by Canada Revenue Agency. Please save it for your records. 

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Pauliina Saarinen Photography
Middle Beach Lodge, Tofino
Nutram Pet Products
Fairmont Empress
Prince of Whales Whale & Marine Wildlife Adventures
Fresh Fetch
Paws on Cook Pet Store - Pet Shop, Pet Store, Pet Supplies | Paws on Cook Pet Store
Pawsitive Dog Walking and Daycare
Otter and Emma
Qualicum Pet Foods
Hot Chocolates
The Butchart Gardens
Kinsol Veterinary Clinic
Rascals Pet Market
Wild Husky Co.
The Wholesome Hound
VCA Island Animal Hospital
VCA Ladysmith Animal Hospital
VCA Feltham Animal Hospital
VCA Shamrock Animal Hospital
For Pet
Animal Magic Pet Boutique, Nanaimo
Paw Space Pet Boutique
Puppycats Pet Emporium
Operation Freedom Paws Canada
403 Holiday Road
Qualicum Beach
Vancouver Island, BC V0R 1W0
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