Operation Freedom Paws Canada
Operation Freedom Paws Canada is a registered Canadian Charity (# 772042735RR0001) based in Fanny Bay on Vancouver Island. OFP Canada trains individuals to train their own service dog and certify the dog-handler teams as Certified Service Dog Teams under the BC Guide Dog and Service Dog Act. Most of OFP Canada Service Dogs come from rescue shelters. Each dog is matched to a specific client’s physical and psychological needs. Operation Freedom Paws Canada assumes all expenses related to the dog and training so that the program remains free to the client. The special therapeutic canine-human relationship enables their clients to live life with renewed hope for the future. OFP Canada Service Dog Program relies solely on donations. OFP Canada's noble mission is captured in their motto, "Four Paws, Two Feet, One Team".
Pauliina Saarinen Photography
Pauliina Saarinen Photography is an award-winning photography studio for pets and their people. Pauliina is based in Duncan and travels everywhere on Vancouver Island to photograph much-loved animals. Pauliina specializes in wall art and other photographic products to bring a lifetime of joy to your home.