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Hereford, Tx
How did this pet become a part of your family? (this info will included on the calendar if you win, so type carefully)
Samson was an early Christmas gift the year of 2008, at first we couldnt afford a pet, but because of how young he was we knew he couldnt be on his own and didnt want to give him to someone who would mistreat him. As the days went by our family cared for him, becoming more attached everyday taking him to family events, on walks and camping trips! He was really sweet and social. Then one day when he was only a year old Samson wandered into the street and got hit by a car and we rushed him to the vet! Although he had to get his leg amputated, we still see Samson as a handsome puppy with the sweet, unique personality as when he was when he was a baby at our front door.
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