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Class of ‘24-’23: Huggies® Little Snugglers ®
Child's Birth Year2023
NICU Hospital for my journeyCarle Urbana
My NICU Graduate's JourneyBianca brought excitment when she came into the world. She needed some extra attention after a cesarean delivery and was admitted to the NICU. She spent 10 days getting strong and showing the staff that she could breathe and eat without issues. She has transformed from the tiny little NICU baby into our adorable little chatter box. She learned to nurse, roll back to front and front to back. She is smiling, giggling, and attempting to tell us stories every day. Each milestone is a treasure.
What makes you proud of you NICU graduate?We didn't know how long Bianca would be in the NICU and it was scary to think we might have to go home without her. She was making great improvements every day and we thought she was trying race mom to see who could get discharged first. She has come a long way in 5 months.
Weight at Birth (lbs. or Grams)5lbs 5 oz
Weeks Gestation36
Time spent in the NICU (Specify Day, Month, or Year)10 days