Entry Category:
Class of ‘22-‘21: Huggies® Little Movers ®
Child's Birth Year2022
State/Province/TerritoryNorth Carolina
NICU Hospital for my journeyECU Health Greenville
My NICU Graduate's JourneyJavon was 4lbs and algae score of a 1. His lungs were not developed and he couldn't suck and breathe at the same time. His glucose was low not enough sugar being produced and his body temp wouldn't regulate.
What makes you proud of you NICU graduate?Javon is determined and he is a fighter!
Javon is learning everyday.
Weight at Birth (lbs. or Grams)4 lbs 1 oz
Weeks Gestation33 Weeks
Time spent in the NICU (Specify Day, Month, or Year)1/2 Month