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Class of ‘22-‘21: Huggies® Little Movers ®
Child's Birth Year2021
NICU Hospital for my journeyCook Children’s Fort Worth
My NICU Graduate's JourneyWhen I was 23 weeks pregnant with Adam we got very sick- I had severe preeclampsia and was trending towards HELLP syndrome. We struggled in the hospital together for a few weeks but eventually we got too sick so he was born 26 weeks exactly weighing 1lb 3oz! Adam was rushed to the NICU from there where he would spend the next 150 days fighting! He faced three major surgeries (the first when he was not even 2lbs yet), several infections, lung hemorrhaging, and many more but this little boy fought and beat them all! Now he is a rough and tumble toddler with no fear in the world and ridiculous strength! Adam was given a 20% chance of survival and a 10% chance of survival without severe complications but he has never cared for statistics! We are so incredibly blessed and grateful he is here with us!
What makes you proud of you NICU graduate?Gosh, absolutely everything!! He is the strongest, sweetest, most resilient kiddo I have ever met! He lives completely independent of others’ expectations! He climbs and plays and runs to the beat of his own drum!
Weight at Birth (lbs. or Grams)1lb 3oz
Weeks Gestation26
Time spent in the NICU (Specify Day, Month, or Year)150 days