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Class of ‘24-’23: Huggies® Little Snugglers ®
Child's Birth Year2023
NICU Hospital for my journeyUC Davis
My NICU Graduate's JourneyI am a transgender dad, had Kingston early at 26weeks and 4 days. Kingston is are miracle baby, he battled sepsis, being told he wouldn’t make it three times and now is a trach baby and battling SOD, but with all this Kingston still finds away to show us that he is a strong baby and can do this, we have been on this journey for a year now in June but I want the world to know being a NICU parent isn’t just a journey it sometimes can be a marathon.
What makes you proud of you NICU graduate?He never stopped fighting, every obstacle that was thrown in front of Kingston he made sure not only the doctors knew but his parents and everyone that loved him, that he is here to stay and he had something to prove and that is to walk this earth like every other baby who’s marathon started in the NICU. Kingston is our fighter and I couldn’t be more proud of how hard he has fought .
Weight at Birth (lbs. or Grams)1 lb 12oz
Weeks Gestation8 Months
Time spent in the NICU (Specify Day, Month, or Year)Still in NICU