Entry Category:
Class of ‘18-’13: Elementary
Child's Birth Year2017
NICU Hospital for my journeyLakeside Hospital - Omaha
My NICU Graduate's JourneyHunter was due to meet the world on New Years Eve of 2017. It turns out Hunter had other plans! We met Hunter 5 weeks early. Mom got steroid shots a few weeks prior to his arrival, to strengthen his lungs. Hunter was a little spitfire from the moment he was born. He started on the CPAP, nG tube, and other monitoring but quickly strived to be an independent boy with little to no monitoring! Hunter was a hungry boy from birth and gained weight steadily, which allowed for his NICU stay to he relatively short! Hunter started out as a little "peanut," as his OMA would say. Now you would never know that Hunter was in the NICU. Hunter is an outgoing, athetic, and intelligent boy! He continues to impress everyone.
What makes you proud of you NICU graduate?Hunter may have started out in the world as a little peanut, but he continues to defy the odds. He is a social butterfly and makes frends with everyone. He is very intelligent and excels in most everything he does. He is so loved by everyone around him!!! We are proud of Hunter for striving to be independent and different, while also being inclusive. Our little peanut is going to go so far in life!!!
Weight at Birth (lbs. or Grams)4 lbs 5 oz
Weeks Gestation35 Weeks
Time spent in the NICU (Specify Day, Month, or Year)9 Days