Entry Category:
Class of ‘18-’13: Elementary
Child's Birth Year2019
NICU Hospital for my journeyMercy Medical Center
My NICU Graduate's JourneyZahra was born at 26 weeks. She is one of seven of my beautiful children. She enter this world by emergency c-section at only 1 lb 15 oz by the wonderful Dr. Theresa Hoffman of Hoffman and Associates. She thrived tremendously in the NICU of Mercy Medical Center. Stayed on the unit for 3 months and when she came home she was a healthy 4 lbs.
What makes you proud of you NICU graduate?Zahra is now 5 years old excited for kindergarten and making new friends. I’m proud that she defeated the odds and that she is here with us today making us sing and dance with her.
Weight at Birth (lbs. or Grams)1 lb 15oz
Weeks Gestation26 weeks
Time spent in the NICU (Specify Day, Month, or Year)3 months