Entry Category:
Class of ‘20 -’19: Huggies® Pull-Ups®
Child's Birth Year2020
NICU Hospital for my journeyLankenau Medical Center
My NICU Graduate's JourneyGerry is truly our little miracle! After some infertility struggles, we were ecstatic to find out our sweet baby boy was on the way! At 29 weeks and 6 days, my water broke at 4:30 AM. The plan was to remain hospitalized for the duration of my pregnancy, hoping he would hold off until 34 weeks. Gerry had other plans! After a cervical check at 8PM, I was 6cm and my blood pressure was unregulated due to severe preeclampsia. Labor progressed very quickly and at 12:01AM, our little miracle was born. I am of the belief that everything happens perfectly in Gods plan. Our sweet baby boy came out with the umbilical chord tied in two knots around his neck. In the days prior, I had been seen for decreased fetal movement. I believe, Gerry knew he needed out! After a 45 day NICU stay with the most angelic nurses, Gerry came home with us and has overcome so many obstacles and continued to thrive. After 2 years of Early Intervention, he began to hit every milestone. He is our biggest blessing and we are so proud!
What makes you proud of you NICU graduate?After a dramatic entrance in the height of a global pandemic, he proved that “tiny” and “mighty” can exist in the same sweet package. Gerry graduated early intervention and beat all the odds. I remember the doctors forewarning us when my water broke of the potential health issues our baby could face. There was so much fear. I’m happy to report he is the happiest, silliest, smartest, healthiest, most loving little boy I know.
Weight at Birth (lbs. or Grams)3lbs. 15oz.
Weeks Gestation29 Weeks
Time spent in the NICU (Specify Day, Month, or Year)45 Days