Entry Category:
Class of ‘18-’13: Elementary
Child's Birth Year2018
NICU Hospital for my journeyJoe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital
My NICU Graduate's JourneySteven was born at 27 weeks due to placental abruption. He had what doctors called a series of unfortunate events, given 0% chance at survival and on palliative care he fought hard everyday in the NICU for 6 months. He had multiple surgeries, rop, epilepsy, hydrocephalus nec just to name a few things. He now lives a full beautiful life despite his disabilities.
What makes you proud of you NICU graduate?He makes me proud because he always faces every struggle with a smile and determination to either do it the “normal” way or his way. He has overcome many things they said he’d never do.
Weight at Birth (lbs. or Grams)2 lbs
Weeks Gestation27 Weeks
Time spent in the NICU (Specify Day, Month, or Year)6 Months