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30 votes

Child's Birth Year


NICU Hospital for my journey
University of Virginia (UVA)

My NICU Graduate's Journey
In the hushed corridors of the neonatal unit, where uncertainty loomed like a thick fog, we met our tiny warrior. Born at just 23 weeks, her entrance into the world was a whispered prayer of hope and fear. The doctors painted a bleak picture—pulmonary hypertension, brain hemorrhages, the prognosis grim. They said she wouldn't make it; they said she'd be a vegetable.

Yet, in the heart of that storm, a beacon of resilience flickered to life. Her spirit, fragile yet fierce, defied the odds stacked against her. Each breath she fought for was a victory, every flutter of her tiny fingers a testament to her strength.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and slowly, like a fragile bud unfurling in the sun, she blossomed. Her laughter, once a distant dream, filled the room with joy. Her eyes, once clouded with uncertainty, sparkled with wonder.

Now, as I watch her dance through life with the grace of a survivor, my heart swells with pride. She is not defined by the labels they tried to pin on her; she is a masterpiece, painted with the colors of resilience and hope.

In her, I see the beauty of second chances, the miracle of defiance. She is not just my daughter; she is my inspiration, a living reminder that even in the darkest of nights, there is always a glimmer of dawn.

What makes you proud of you NICU graduate?
Her resilience and perseverance even having everything against her she defeat every obstacle.

Weight at Birth (lbs. or Grams)
1 lb 6oz

Weeks Gestation
23 Weeks

Time spent in the NICU (Specify Day, Month, or Year)
6 Months 14 Days

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