Entry Category:
Class of ‘22-‘21: Huggies® Little Movers ®
Child's Birth Year2022
State/Province/TerritoryNew Mexico
NICU Hospital for my journeyPresbyterian Hospital
My NICU Graduate's JourneyMakayla arrived one week early via c-section. She wasn't meeting her kick counts so mom went straight to triage. She was born with her umbilical cord wrapped TWICE around her neck. The NICU team rushed in and helped out out baby girl. She had a short stay in the NICU of a week and went home on oxygen for about 2 months. Now she's a fun loving little sister to her 13 year old brother. She has no fear and talks up a storm at 18 months. We can't thank the NICU team enough for being there for her first seconds of life.
What makes you proud of you NICU graduate?She is such a fun loving kind soul. She is a risk taker and loves to test the water. I hope she will continue to live her life thinking everyday is a blessing and doing the most.
Weight at Birth (lbs. or Grams)6l bs 10 oz
Weeks Gestation39 Weeks
Time spent in the NICU (Specify Day, Month, or Year)7 Days