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Class of ‘20 -’19: Huggies® Pull-Ups®
Child's Birth Year2020
NICU Hospital for my journeyRenown Health NICU
My NICU Graduate's JourneyLittle miss Ally (our Warrior Princess) made her way into the world at 27w +3d. Right at the beginning of Covid lock down. We were so happy she was able to hang in there that long because we had many complications that could not be explained. More than once medical staff prepared us for the possibility of not being able to take our baby girl home before she even got here. Once she arrived she seemed smaller than what they had expected but was fighting her best every day. After several blood transfusions, respiratory interventions, countless scans and tests over the course of 106 days during Covid rules and us only being able to see her for one hour each day, we finally got to bring this warrior princess home. Although she came home with a G-button for feeding she quickly learned to nurse and thrived! She is now 4 years old and full of sass and that fighting spirit she had in the NICU. She loves playing soccer, and torturing her older brother and younger sister!! She’s built different, stronger, full of love and we wouldn’t have it any other way!
What makes you proud of you NICU graduate?She is so smart; with some assistance she has been able to catch up to her age group in motor skills and educational milestones and just last year reach the 1% for height and weight in her age group. She has the biggest heart and just wants everyone to feel loved. She thinks fast and isn’t a push over, she has no problem telling people what’s on her mind! She steals the hearts of everyone she meets and everyone is her best friend.
Weight at Birth (lbs. or Grams)2 lbs 5 oz
Weeks Gestation27 Weeks 3 Days
Time spent in the NICU (Specify Day, Month, or Year)106 Days