Entry Category:
Class of ‘22-‘21: Huggies® Little Movers ®
Child's Birth Year2021
NICU Hospital for my journeyPiedmont Fayette and CHOA Scottish Rite Hospitals
My NICU Graduate's JourneyGabriel was born at 24 weeks due to preeclampsia in his mother, Julie, which also caused IUGR (growth restriction.) He had a very slim chance at life (less than 4%) due to his birth weight, gestation age, and many other complications at the start of his NICU journey. Gabriel was on an oscillator and ventilator for 4 months of his NICU stay. Battling all the odds, Gabriel came home after 6 months in the NICU, and not only that, but no surgeries needed! He battled many infections, had over 27 blood transfusions, and came home on little oxygen. He mastered his bottle and came off of oxygen very quickly while at home, ditching the need of feeding tubes and oxygen equipment! He is a fighter through and through. Gabriel has always had a smile on his face from the very start. With therapies and support, Gabriel is starting to walk and talk, and starting preschool in the fall. He is so sweet and smart. We are so proud of how far our NICU graduate has come. Go Gabriel!
What makes you proud of you NICU graduate?One word that describes Gabriel is, determined! He has been a fighter from day one, and still never gives up on anything. He figures out any toy and tries his hardest on every task. He is determined to walk and be independent. His strong will is amazing to see in action. Along with his strength, comes a kindness like no other. We are so proud of our sweet, smart boy and all he has and continues to overcome!
Weight at Birth (lbs. or Grams)380 Grams
Weeks Gestation24 Weeks
Time spent in the NICU (Specify Day, Month, or Year)194 Days