Entry Category:
Cats & Kittens
My age...10
My likes, quirks, & curiosities...I am very vocal, like a hooman teen, playful, loving, it wasn’t me!
A little about me...I found my mom after her beloved cat passed away. I saw her and she looked sad, so I jumped out at her and gave a kitten roar. My sister is a year older and I thought she was my mom because she bossed me around and tried to make me a, “Good little man.” She still does, but now I know she’s my cat sister! Mom spoils us, she says she has never heard a cat as loud as me! She always gives me kisses! Which I secretly love, but after she’s done I look at her with my moody face, which makes her laugh. She says I have a jealous face too when she pets my sister. I like to run full speed around the house and jump up onto things, I like to wrestle with my sister at 3am, I enjoy ignoring my mom when she’s calling my name looking for me, I love laying in the sun and sleeping on a pillow next to mom. I love Santa Paws! My mom is my favorite person, I love her and am glad we found each other. I even love my sister. Shhh!