Entry Category:
Cats & Kittens
My age...5
My likes, quirks, & curiosities...I Love my Daddy! My Friendy! My Toys! My Tunnels! I love Breakfast, Lunch, + Dinner!!! I love Sunshine and windows and being with My People!!!
A little about me...Hello! I was a very tiny, scared cat found on the streets of North Carolina. I was pregnant with stillborn babies, A police officer actually found me and wrote a report about my dire state. Through the miracle of cat rescue, I was saved and led to my Forever Fabulous Family!!!! I am loved and pampered every singe day!!! I run and play like a kitten!!! Through the worst, I always held out out hope for a better life. Animals always have endless hope and love. We immediately appreciate good will and open hearts. All of my other rescue siblings have come from the NHSPCA!!!! Also, I love turkey and sometimes vanilla ice cream. I hope every animal in the world can be loved and happy!