Fozzy Bear
Fozzy Bear
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My dog is the coolest because...
Fozzy is eternally happy. There is no way a person can be sad around him. He smiles when he runs. He sticks his head out the car window and the pure joy in his face is infectious. He loves to drink from the garden hose and he gets excited when I tell him we're going to Dairy Queen. Just saying "Pup Cup" makes his ears perk up! He absolutely loves popcorn and green beans and grilled chicken and, I recently found out, sweet potatoes! But most of all, he loves to play with his toys! And let me tell you - he has plenty of them!
I wasn't ready to get another dog when I started volunteering at the Neenah Animal Shelter. I was still mourning the loss of my dear, sweet dog Patch who had died at the age of 17. The thought of getting another dog just didn't feel right yet, but I love animals and I thought maybe I could do some good at the shelter.
One day I went into the kennels and I happened to glance over at the very first stall as I walked in the door. At first I thought it was empty but when I looked closer, I saw this skinny, scared, caramel-colored puppy huddled with his eyes pointed at the wall. My heart did a double beat and I immediately asked about him. I was told he needed a foster. So that's the day I became a foster.
Fozzy was 6 months old when I began fostering him. He had been found alone, wandering on Winneconne Avenue in Neenah. When the shelter brought him to the vet, like they do with all strays they receive, they found out he had a hole in his heart and as a result, he it was enlarged. The shelter began a fundraising effort and Neenah and the surrounding community did not disappoint. They raised over $6000 so that Fozzy could go to the UW Veterinarian Hospital in Madison to get his surgery and repair his heart. The remaining funds were put into their "Help Me Heal Fund" for other animals in need.
Fozzy had the surgery, and essentially they put a plug in his heart which allowed the blood to flow properly. Eventually his heart shrank back down to normal size.
After recovery, there was no way I was giving him up. So I guess that makes me a foster failure. And I'm fine with that. Five years later I have my best friend and he makes me smile every day. I really think Patch would have loved him. Who knows how the universe works - but I think he came into my life at just the right time and I came in to his just when he needed me. I'm hoping for many more years of Pup Cups, car rides, and fetch!
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