Entry Category:
Shawano Humane
Why is your dog the coolest?Bella is a very energetic 2 1/2 year old Siberian Husky. She's very affectionate and loves to give kisses, she'll even wait for you to kiss her so she can kiss you back. But don't let that cute face fool you, she can be very mischievous and definitely keeps us on our toes with the antics she gets herself into. She has learned to open her treat cabinet and tries helping herself when no one is looking, she thinks any and all food is hers (even though she is only allowed to eat healthy people food) she's also been training to flip over the couch since she was 6 months old but has yet to succeed. Some of the things she loves is, playing toys, being outside,making new friends, going for walks (even though sometimes it seems like shes walking me) and of course the snow! She can't wait to run in the snow and bury her face in it. One's things for sure after you spend the day with Bella she'll win you over with her personality but you'll be leaving covered in fur and wishing for a beer.