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Oshkosh Humane
Why is your dog the coolest?Hi, my name is Gus. I was rescued by HSI from South Korean meat farm and then made the journey to America. From there I went to Oshkosh Area Humane Society and worked with amazing people. They helped me overcome a lot of my fears and prepare me for my new life. I had to learn how to be a dog and do dog things and with their help I met my dad and my next chapter started. I went from being afraid of everything to a brave dog who loves being pet and showing people how fast I am at the dog park. Now my favorite things now are people watching out the window, going to the dog park and of course laying on the couch relaxing. But since I’m from Wisconsin my absolute favorite things are cheese and snow! What makes me cool is my journey and everything I have overcome to be where I am today. Also, everyone always loves my ears. and yes, they are as soft as they look.