Entry Category:
Oshkosh Humane
Why is your dog the coolest?LeeLee Pup is the coolest, because she has had to overcome a lot of adversity. She was found wandering the streets of Oshkosh. Her eyes were caked shut, because she has KCS. Her tear ducts don’t work. She also had a prolapsed uterus. We immediately fell in love with her, after seeing her picture on the OAHS website. We adopted her 10 years ago. We initially had to give her five different types of eye drops three times per day. She is doing great now, and is down to three types of drops twice per day!! She is the sweetest American Staffordshire Pibble in the world. We have never even heard her bark. EVER!! She loves all people, kids, and other pups. This is why LeeLee Pup is the coolest dog in the world!!