Entry Category:
Neenah Animal Shelter
Why is your dog the coolest?Hi! My name is Pepper.
I'm special because my girl 'H' has Autism and relies on me to get through tough situations.
She has a hard time talking to and meeting new people. When I'm around I'm a welcome distraction for other people as they will pet me which makes social situations less stressful for 'H'.
I also help 'H' make friends because what kid doesn't like a dog!?!
When other kids see me they want to play with me and ask tons of questions. Because they ask questions about me and 'H' finds the social setting less intimidating and can make friends a bit easier.
I'm also really good at listening to 'H's' body language and am a great companion and comfort to her whether she is happy or anxious.
Together we've won multiple first place ribbons in the Junior Handler divisions for Agility. Agility is my favorite sport and I'm glad that it's also 'H's' favorite sport as well. However, I'm not a fan of the teeter! But 'H' is the kindest girl you'll ever meet and doesn't make me ever go on it if I don't want to.
I'm just your average Boxer but to my girl 'H' I'm the coolest and I'd say that makes me the luckiest dog in the world!