Learning from the greats after golf in Coronado
Learning from the greats after golf in Coronado
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Please tell us about your Coronado Memory
Arriving at North Island for duty as a young aviator in the mid '60s, I knew nothing about what was outside the main gate. My focus was how to best live up to the challenges facing us as a fleet squadron. That soon was expanded when I discovered the Coronado Municipal Golf Course and joined the Coronado Men's Golf Club whose membership at that time consisted of some of our finest naval aviators from World War II. I, of course, had read about many of them but here was a chance to meet and interact with some of the all time greats - a young aviator's dream. From memory, Max Leslie, CO of USS Yorktown bombing squadron at the battle of Midway was now in his 60s and president of the golf club. He always wore plus fours (golf knickers) and carried a dinner fork which stuck conspicuously out of his back pocket. He used this fork to meticulously repair his own divots as well as those left unrepaired by others. His example inspired many of us to take great pride in the condition of the course. Another golfer was Jimmy Thach who developed the "Thach weave" and used this tactic when greatly outnumbered to shoot down 3 enemy fighters at the same battle of Midway. Finally in this triumverate was Admiral Buckmaster, Commanding Officer of the USS Yorktown at the battle of Midway. I was privileged to listen to many of their stories - good times great Coronado memories.
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