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Your Pet's Rescue StoryZoe was found living in dirty, cramped, deplorable conditions with approximately 60 dogs in hoarder's home. I was told that 23 dogs were saved by the rescue agency, and others didn't make it.
She was among more than a dozen dogs on display in crates at a community event at Lake Eola Park. When I approached her crate, I saw this small, scared, smelly, tired young dog, who was maybe about a year old. I was allowed to take 'Avril' out to visit. ( I renamed her Zoe after the adoption) At the time, Avril had light tan fur, a flopped ear, and dirty long nails. She was timid at first when she looked at me with deep brown, warm eyes. Pretty eyes. In seconds, I knew I wanted to take her home. I can still see her face... a big puppy smile as she stuck her head out of the car window, face in the wind on our way home.
Zoe's fur grew out eventually, and her flopped-over ear perked up to match her pointy one. To my surprise with regular grooming, she became a beautiful fluffy white caramel puff! Often people say that she appears to be smiling. It's true... Zoe is a happy dog, greets everyone with her fluffy wagging tail, and has a sweet personality! We love our neighborhood walks, visits to the park with friends, car rides, doggy play dates, and shopping sprees at Petco!
She's been my best friend for nearly 5 years. Zoe brings me joy and enriches my life. She is a loyal companion, a smart watch dog, my playmate, and truly loved. Zoe makes my heart smile each day. I may have adopted this sweet dog, but ultimately she rescued me. I call her "my Blessing".