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Your Pet's Rescue Story
A little more than a year after we lost our last sweet pup to cancer, we found ourselves waiting in a line at a rescue event with the number “30” in hour hand. We had been waiting to adopt because of some construction projects and we didn’t want to bring a rescue into chaos, but watching the movie “DOG” the night before did us in. I had to have a set of paws in the house STAT! When we arrived at the event my husband pointed to a puppy that was in a cage by herself and away from the other puppies that were together in open pens. We later discovered that she had been returned that morning from someone that adopted her the week before. We didn’t know why, but we knew she was the one for us – our Gracie. The anxiety was killing me as they continued to call out numbers and we watched families choose their puppy. When they called number 29, I felt a little relief until the director asked to have Gracie moved to where the other puppies were. I couldn’t take it anymore! I literally walked up and said, “that’s my puppy!”. “I’m number 30!”. After some slight embarrassment from my behavior, we walked away with a bundle sweet insanity. Gracie is silly, loving, loyal, wonderful with our grandchildren, and has more energy than we signed up for. Gracie is a rescue – but I often think she rescued us. Life is so much better with her in it.

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Quantum Leap Winery
Pet Alliance Orlando
333 S. Garland Ave.
13th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801
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