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My age...Lexi-7; Socky-1
A little about me...Lexi is our sweet, very affectionate Goldendoodle. She’s so sweet that when we brought Socky into our home as a terrified 3-month old kitten, she allowed him to treat her as a mom. He cuddles up to her, closes his eyes, and kneads her fur in utter contentment. She just lays there, and if his claws aren’t too pokey she will stay there for hours. They also play together—Lexi is so gentle and never hurts him, though he can be vicious with his little teeth! Luckily she’s got long fur for protection. We LOVE watching them play and wrestle—they make us laugh! Socky’s hobbies include bird watching, bursting into spontaneous laps around the hallway, and pouncing on a sleeping Lexi. He’s not a cuddler with us, but he will occasionally crawl onto my lap if I’m working on my computer 😁