Gael Martinez
Gael Martinez
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Baby Gael was born at 31 weeks on August 1, 2023 and weighed 1lbs7oz. At 20 weeks they told me he was severely growth restricted and that he may not survive. Every visit was so painful hearing things were not looking good. Dr decided to admit me into hospital at 26weeks. Fetal monitoring showed that his heart rates would drop more and more and he wasn't gaining too much weight so they decided to deliver him. Since being in NICU he has been on CPAP majority of the time and recently moved into high flow. Some of his bigger challenges have been keeping his sugars up,gaining weight and being anemic. With lots of help from all the nurses/Dr's, medications and 2 blood transfusions he is now 3 lbs. He truly is my miracle baby. Can't wait to bring him home.
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