Macie Rae McKinnon
Macie Rae McKinnon
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Macie was born at 24 weeks and 5 days gestation weighing only 1lb 5oz. She had only about 30% chance of survival, but she’s been beating the odds ever since. Macie was in the NICU for 110 days with a quick return for laser eye surgery. She was discharged with no oxygen or medication which is huge for a micropreemie. Now at 27 months old, Macie has caught up and surpassed all developmental goals and graduated all therapies. Her big brother, Wyatt, is her favorite person and she always wants to follow in his footsteps. We are so grateful she not only survived, but is thriving after all she has had to endure. We hope Macie can be an inspiration to others, continue to be a light in this world and a reminder that miracles still happen.
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