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At 22 weeks, I went into preterm labor, and after 18 hours of triage only one hospital was willing to take us. Regina was born at 23 weeks, weighing in at 1lb 6oz and spent 109 days in the world's best NICU. Although we all know her as Regina, we actually changed her first name to Miracle after her first 4 days because we knew she would beat the odds and was here to stay. She was tenacious, stubborn, strong, and determined. True to her name, she was discharged before her actual due date (just in time for Christmas!) and came home with no major medical/health issues: having had no surgeries, no feeding/heart/lung problems, no oxygen or other medical equipment. Today, she is thriving, strong-willed, has a great sense of humor, likes to climb and do headstands (giving mommy a heart attack), and her favorite person is her PawPaw.
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