Our Story
For over one hundred and forty-five years, Monadnock Humane Society has served the Monadnock region of New Hampshire providing compassionate care and aid to abused and homeless animals. The citizens who banded together in 1875 to form The Keene Humane Society had no idea that their actions would reverberate into a new millennium. They came together because they recognized that cruelty is the enemy of civilization, and they wanted to alleviate suffering.
The Society was a push-back against the day’s fashionable credo of letting the unfortunate fail, suffer, and die in a process of “natural selection.” As New Hampshire overcame the economic depression and social upheaval caused by the end of the Civil War, many members of this community saw a need to advocate for others. Their spirit of compassion is a legacy that has guided Monadnock Humane Society throughout its many changes from yesterday to today.
Thanks to the amazing support from our community we adopted out 1,151 animals into homes during 2023. With your continued support as we move forward, we can help more animals and humans than ever before.
Our Mission
The mission of Monadnock Humane Society is to strengthen the animal-human bond by promoting and providing for the well-being of animals.