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McMinnville is a community that makes the welfare and educational needs of its children a priority. Building on that tradition, the McMinnville Education Foundation was established in 1998 as a 501(c) 3 to provide support and enrichment learning experiences for the students of School District #40. MEF is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.

Our mission is to expand the range of educational opportunities available to students in the District and to encourage excellence, innovation, and creativity in our educational system.

Strong Schools Make Strong Communities!
The programs we support include:

Teacher Mini Grants
McMinnville Education Foundation started the teacher mini grants as a way to support teachers' innovative ideas. With ever-shrinking school budgets, teacher mini grants are more important than ever. Experiential learning expands student knowledge and their awareness of their world.

The Education Foundation has awarded over $510,000 in teacher mini grants since 2000!

The Teacher Mini Grants have provided funds from digital science lab equipment and musical instruments to bilingual novel sets for after school book clubs and water balloon launchers for Medieval Day.

Science Enrichment
Elementary Science Experiences
The McMinnville Education Foundation is excited to be partnering with the McMinnville School District 40 to offer hands-on science experiences outside the classroom to every elementary student in kindergarten through 5th grade. The program is aligned with the state science standards established by the Oregon Department of Education.

Battle of the Books
Oregon's Battle of the Book's mission is to encourage and recognize students who enjoy reading, to broaden reading interests, to increase reading comprehension, promote academic excellence, and to promote cooperative learning and teamwork among students.

Students in 3-8 grade, regardless of ability, are exposed to quality literature representing a variety of literary styles and viewpoints. The Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) is a statewide voluntary reading motivation and comprehension program sponsored by the Oregon Association of School Libraries in conjunction with a Library Services and Technology Act grant. MEF contributes yearly to supply the book choices to each school's library.

McMinnville Education Foundation is proud to offer the Artist-in-Residence program. One of MEF's showcase programs, it has become a fabulous tradition in McMinnville's elementary schools. In past years, students have been exposed to Native American art, Asian watercolor painting, ceramics, African drumming and much more.

Contact Info
McMinnville Education Foundation
800 NE Lafayette Ave.
McMinnville, OR 97128

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McMinnville Education Foundation
1500 NE Baker St
McMinnville, OR 97128
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