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I 'adopted' Luna when my diagonal neighbors moved and didn't want to bring her so they surrendered her to Padge who found a wonderful home for her. But a month or so later the adoptees - instead of returning her to Padge, surrendered her to some other shelter and she ended up at LPCHS. One day I was looking thru website for any elderly cat that I can take home and give it relaxing and loving last days. That's when I saw a picture of a cat named Luna and it looked like my neighbor's cat. Yep, confirmed it with phone call and picked her up the next day. Luna is a 4-year-old Tonkinese/Torti cat. I have given her nickname of GoDIVA because she loves to jump onto the highest roost and 'look down at her servants'. When her 'tortie' side is dominant, she is a cuddle bug ... but when the 'diva' side shows, I see her ears go back and her eyes get even more cross-eyed as ever. I learned her good & bad habits, love her more & more every day. No goal set but any proceeds I get will go to LPCHS
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