Entry Category:
Owner's First NameScott Medeiros
City and StateOrmond Beach, FL
Pet's Age11
Pet's Story or BioI’m very co-pendant. I love chicken nuggets and take my medicine with peanut butter because I was too smart when daddies hid it in cheese. I’m very much a creature of habit. I want to be in bed by 9 and if it’s cloudy, I’ll sleep until someone gets up. I have to be attached to one of my daddies when I sleep and will even push one of them out of bed. I hate fireworks, and I tolerate my two canine sisters. I LOVE road-trips. My favorite thing is riding in the car. Puts me right to sleep. I love my rubber toys but if you give me a plush toy, I get very aggressive and tear it apart and get angry when people get near me. I don’t know why. I’m a bundle of love and innocence though.