Entry Category:
Owner's First NameCharlotte
City and StateIthaca, NY
Pet's Age5, 11, 6
Pet's Story or BioSadie (right )is 6 years old and was adopted as a puppy, she was the first dachshund to join our family after many years of being dog owners, she is her daddy’s girl for sure, she is miss independent and loves everyone . Oreo, (left) 5 years old, was our second dachshund who was adopted as a puppy and meant to be a mamas boy after our beloved 14 year old dog Alley girl passed away, he is the most lovable blanket baby ever and is afraid of everything and yep a daddy’s boy. Holly, (center) 11 years old is our blind girl of two years who was rescued from a hoarding situation but now is just the happiest prancing girl ever and yes finally a mamas girl ! Holly was Miss October 2020 in the Cornell University Animal Hospital Calendar where she received extensive medical treatment before we could adopt her from our local animal shelter. She was definitely meant for our family as she was adopted and returned by the first family after only two weeks which put us next in line for adoption and now she’s been ours almost two years.