Roxy “Social Butterfly” Moore
Roxy “Social Butterfly” Moore
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Born and raised in Des Moines, Iowa I have to set the record straight, it’s pop - not coke. Although I loved the Midwest there was always a desire deep down inside of me to explore new parts of this great country. I’m so thankful the people that adopted me had the same dream. I was 1 1/2 when I was adopted - what a blessing that was!
At the age of three I packed up my favorite toys and headed East to start a new adventure in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Donning the Steel City’s colors, black and gold, I was always ready for game day. Cheering on the local sports teams with my parents was a favorite pastime.
Before turning 7 years old I knew the time had come to start a new chapter in life. This time I was headed to sunny Florida. For a year I enjoyed the views of the inter-coastal in West Palm Beach. Those views never got old - I’m still not sure why we left.
Now I reside in Land O Lakes, FL. Life is good here. My parents are originally from the Tampa Bay area so it’s nice to be surrounded by extended family. They love me dearly and visit often. Actually I get a lot of visitors. Everyone comes to see me which I think is starting to make my parents feel neglected. No one really comes to visit them. Sorry, not sorry! ‘Social Butterfly’ is my middle name. Greeting people is what I do. After all, they did stop in to see me!! Gracing visitors with my presence is the least I could do. Actually, if I’m being honest, I need attention. Like really need attention. I need it more than anything else on this planet - it fuels me!
Not sure how long me and the ‘rents will stick around these parts. We are always on the lookout for the next great adventure. So until that time comes I’ll just keep doing ME - enjoying dance parties with my mama in the kitchen, chasing hair ties, begging for anything that comes from a can (including vegetables), sleeping on my dad’s head, participating in my mom’s WebEx meetings, licking plastic bags in the middle of the night until someone wakes up to give me some lovin’ and acting like I want to sneak out of the house even though I’m deathly afraid of the great outdoors.
My parents got lucky with me. Don’t worry, I won’t bore you with more details. What’s important is that we love each other, this sweet sweet life and all the beautiful people that surround us!
All the best to you and yours,
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