Archibald Hamish Beauregard Shaw
Archibald Hamish Beauregard Shaw
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Archibald Hamish Beauregard Shaw is depicted here laying in a mud bath, his favorite luxury fur treatment. His highness enjoys activities such as pushing toys under couches and having his servants retrieve them, chasing the ball, and eating food rapidly. Archibald hails from Georgia, never having been outside of a crate for the first few months of his life until an Aussiedoodle rescue found him and restored him to his rightful place at the top of the Shaw Family Court. Since then his royal studies have taught him about walking on a leash, how to play fetch, and proper etiquette (although he often forgets his etiquette in the presence of new subjects). Although Archibald is a fierce warrior, he is afraid of lizards, thunder, and pools; as anyone in their right mind would be.
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