Olyvia a.k.a Lyvie
Olyvia a.k.a Lyvie
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Month/Year of Adoption
2012?? (Her name was Allegro)
Owner's First Name
Your City and State
Hudson, NH
Your Pet's Adoption Story
I was determined to find a female orange kitten once my cat, Olyver passed away. Little did I know that only 10% of orange cats are female! I would spend hours searching online and actually found one in another state which did not seem feasible. I was out and about with my son and we, randomly, decided to stop by the humane society to see what types of kittens were available. Little did I know, she was there!! It was the same kitten I saw online a few weeks prior. We adopted her right then and there and she has been our "Lyvie Love" ever since.
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