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Month/Year of Adoption
December 2008
Owner's Name
Rich and Pam
Your City and State
Hollis, NH
Your Pet's Adoption Story
Spike was a “pity adoption”. He had come from a hording situation and was essentially an indoor feral. Probably never having contact with a human his first 3 years of life until he was brought to the Humane Society for Greater Nashua. He hid in the hidey-house in his cage, coming out only when there was no one around. I was in to adopt a cat. When I was ready to leave with my new adoptee, I saw that Spike’s cage-mate was being adopted, leaving him all alone. I didn’t even know what he looked like except that he was buff color. The adoption counselor got him into a box and I took him home. He lived in our guest bedroom, under the bed for many weeks. We took turns visiting with him, talking to him, playing with the paw that shot out from under the bed to catch the fuzzy toy. Months turned to years and I am happy to say he is fully integrated into our family. My husband and I couldn’t be happier. Interestingly enough, it was the other cats that I think really made the difference. Lucy and Robin were the perfect teachers. It’s truly amazing how they learn the lessons they need to survive and thrive from each other. How they are able to bond with a human after so much neglect and sometimes worse. Spike is our greatest success story. Thank you HSFN.
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