Entry Category:
Top Dog
Pet's Age11
Is your pet HSC Alum?No
Tell us about your pet and why they should win!Never in a thousan years did we think Kevin would be a foster fail! He smelled terrible from skin ear and teeth infections and was missing most of his hair. Not to mention he was an old guy. But he grew on us fast! He has thee coolest most loving and loyal personality. He plays hard and sounds so serious doing it growling like he will eat your face but wouldn't hurt a fly. That is unless you bump him in the middle of the night while he is sleeping, then he will ferociously attack your feet through the covers with his man eating growl and 4 teeth, and surprisingly it actually hurts! This is the coolest dog ever! Every day I wonder how someone could have treated him so badly and how Kevin still loves so much! He is one cool dude!