Lincoln “Bub” Watson
Fundraising Goal
Entry Category:
Top Dog
Pet's Age10
LocationDenver, NC
Is your pet HSC Alum?No
Tell us about your pet and why they should win!Lincoln, affectionately renamed by our youngest daughter “Bub” was our 10 year old rescue boxer who just passed over the rainbow bridge. He was adopted as a pup from Catering 2 Cats and Dogs rescue when our youngest daughter was just 6 months old. He grew up with her and was a 90lb brother from another mother. He loved his adopted brothers and sisters (pig, cat, two dogs, gecko, fish, hamster- all rescues) and was the most gentle, loving, oldest pet brother any of our pet or human children could have ever had. He loved basking in the window sun, chewing the toes out of all of our shoes, sleeping the day away (horrible guard dog) and snuggling. He was scared of any and every type of loud animal but looked ferocious and dominating- looks can be very deceiving. He definitely gained the family some street cred at PetSmart and Lowe’s walking with his chest out and head high- people gave him a wide walkway. Technically, we rescued him. His pregnant mother was found abandoned…. But in reality… he rescued our whole family.