Fundraising Goal
Entry Category:
Top Dog
Pet's Age7 years
LocationCharlotte, NC
Is your pet HSC Alum?No
Tell us about your pet and why they should win!Charlie should be the top dog because he is extremely loving. Almost any time we walk him, strangers stop and ask to pet him. We've been told that he gives them a sense of love and comfort. He loves all people and dogs, and loves to cuddle. He is happy every day and encourages everyone around him to be happy as well. Charlie can be very active and fun, and is the one at the dog park that will get a game of chase going with the other dogs. He loves to play peek-a-boo, tug-of-war, and catch as well. People are usually surprised to hear that he is 7 years old, as he plays like a puppy. Charlie is very well-behaved, intelligent, knows many English words and can perform several different tricks. Above all, though, Charlie loves to love and be loved.