Entry Category:
Queen City Kitty
Pet's Age5
LocationCharlotte, NC
Is your pet HSC Alum?No
Tell us about your pet and why they should win!You may not know it, but Mr. Peepers loves you! …Truth is, he loves everyone.
He was rescued by Cat Smart Coalition literally days from death, with malnutrition, pneumonia and stomatitis. Even though he was so weak, he would still lift his little head to give kisses to Uncle Chris who would hand feed him tuna. He always shows his appreciation for kind humans.
Somehow, this sweet boy pulled through, but the vet had to remove all of his infected teeth that he got from eating rocks and dirt to try to survive. The amazing thing is, his tongue is always sticking out and it is a barometer of how happy he is! His tongue gets longer and longer when he gets scratches behind his ears, or you tell him he's a good boy, or when he's lying on the couch between Mommy and Daddy watching TV.
Quite the social butterfly, Peepers makes everyone feel like a million bucks, whether making his rounds at bunco games, greeting strangers as if they're long lost friends, or cuddling with children.
He is the embodiment of love, and the best cat ambassador that ever there was! To know Peepers is to love him!