Fundraising Goal
Entry Category:
Top Dog
Pet's Age7
LocationCharlotte NC
Is your pet HSC Alum?No
Tell us about your pet and why they should win!Knight could not be more aptly named.
From the moment I saw Knight on a rescue sight, I knew in my heart that he was my dog.
My heart sank when I learned he had been promised to another family, but I rushed to the shelter when I was notified that the adoption had fallen through. Of course it had; Knight was my boy!
In my struggles with ADHD, anxiety, and depression, Knight has been a constant source of comfort and assistance. He went to classes with me, became the favorite student in every class, and even proved invaluable when I was student teaching students with disabilities. Knight was able to bring out verbal skills in a non-verbal student. Knight is a certified Therapy Dog and he earns that title every day as he provides service to not only me but others that cross his path.
“Who rescued who?” is a popular phrase when referring to rescue dogs, but nothing could be more true of my boy, my Knight!