Entry Category:
Queen City Kitty
Pet's Age4
LocationWesley Heights
Is your pet HSC Alum?No
Tell us about your pet and why they should win!Figaro left Gepettos workshop to pursue his dream of becoming Figgy Smalls. Now running the streets of the West Side. The sweetest boy who loves to let you know he is around by meowing sweet rhymes. Loves adventure and exploring the great outdoors. Has his routine of a few pets before he crushes his kibble each morning. All the ladies cats be callin; “figgy, figgy, figgy can’t you see, sometimes your meows they hypnotize me”.
“It was all a dream, my face up on Noda beer rescue brew, repping the Queen City Kitty too. Now I’m in the limelight cause I meow tight” - Figgy Smalls